Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Not-So-Much Busy Monday

Monday. That means I got back to work, so I went to the station for the morning show - my Monday-to-Friday routine. The show went well, and I was satisfied with my job this morning. If there were mistakes along the way, those were minimal. So no biggie.

After that, I went to an internet cafe to surf some "Feedback"(my favorite song from Janet Jackson). And I almost forgot that we had an assignment on our major CA 121. I only got ten minutes to make it. But I made it. I was late on my class for being so forgetful. Again, I was the only one who attended the CA 121 class that time because my other classmate was busy preparing for her wedding. It is hard because, in school, there were only 2 second year students at our Communication Arts Department. And I have about two or three or four projects on our major, and one of those is a documentary on theater history in Davao. Unfortunately, the information about it is kinda vague. And me alone doing it? All I can ask now is for God to help me in this.

By the afternoon, I went again to an internet cafe to do some blogging and blog hopping thanks to our teacher who cancelled our CA 110 class for us to work on our project. And here comes my pregnant classmate, who was busy with her wedding preparations, with another task: taking care of her mother who's undergoing some chemo. All I can do is to understand. So we moved it again to another schedule.

The P. E. subject was exciting, for we played some Philippine Games("Laro ng Lahi"). I enjoyed the Punuin ng Bigas ang Sako, which is a more complex and difficult version of Sack Race. After my school hours, I went to Mix for an open-forum-like meeting where we aired our sentiments about our boardwork, performance, playlist of the station and stuff. It was followed by our weekly talent dev sessions. Again, the pressure is still there because I do the morning show. Ugh!

I came home by 8 PM. And found out that I am broke. (T.T)

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