Friday, March 28, 2008

After The Rain, There's Sunshine

We had a meeting yesterday about a new show to be shown on cable tv where we, DJs of Mix FM, are to host the new show. It's called "Southern Style", the first lifestyle magazine show in the south. I can't wait to be seen on tv, honestly. Now, I am curious on what to wear and how should I look like when actually I am not a fashion person. Ugh! It gives me some headache. Kung bakit pa kasi ako naging DJ.

I got to meet Ayme, Frieny and their friends at GS Citimall after the meeting. I returned the hanky I got from Ayme when she forgot to bring it upon going home last Good Friday at Frieny's place. I volunteered to give it to her. In return, she returned to me "The Passion of the Christ" VCD she borrowed on the same day. In addition, I promised to Frieny that I am going to buy her a B2 meal at Jollibee. So, yesterday I fulfilled my promise, so she can't ask it again from me.

I returned to the station after meeting them(including their eyeball mates from Tagum City who are previous members of our clan). I met George Booke, another DJ and our talent dev officer, to observe his boardwork. It rained so hard that evening. Still I went home by 7 PM to catch American Idol.

I was late this morning for my show because I woke up fifteen minutes before my show. I arrived by 6 PM. I still managed to have a good show, I bet, by singing the Low Tagalog version on air. This one is one of the most unforgettable boardwork I've ever had. After the show, I paid the bills and bought something at the grocery.

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